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Five Strategies to Win the Battle for Top Talent in the Tech Industry

The battle for technology talent in the Pacific Northwest is fierce and, as important as it is to recruit, it is equally if not more important to retain employees. SHRM reports replacing an employee can cost anywhere between six to nine months of their annual salary.

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2019 “Affordability” Percentage

In Revenue Procedure 2018-34, the IRS increased the affordability percentage from 9.56% to 9.86% for 2019. This percentage determines which applicable large employers may face penalties under §4980H(b) for failure to offer affordable coverage, and which individuals may qualify for subsidized coverage through a public Exchange.

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How to Prevent Reverse Discrimination with Disability Benefits

Employers are always looking for ways to enhance benefit plans and reduce risk. Combining group long term disability (LTD) and individual disability insurance can result in a more comprehensive disability program that maximizes protection for the employer and employees. 

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Manufacturers Need to “Millennial Up!”

We have all heard the term, “Millennial.” Many of us think of a twenty-something, video gaming, non-starter who is still living in mom and dad’s basement. As a Generation X’er, I have often wondered, are we so different?

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Choosing an Employee Benefits Consultant for Your Small Business

Every day, businesses look at where their strengths lie and decide which areas of expertise should be hired in house, or outsourced to a third party. The result of those decisions boils down to where their resources are best spent.

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Attracting Top Talent in a Competitive Market

Times are good! The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the current ratio of unemployed Americans to open jobs is 1.1 to one, contrasted to 6.6 to one during the recession in 2009. It is no surprise to anyone in the Northwest looking to hire qualified people.

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A Conversation With Karen Wren on the Current State of Employee Benefits

When you meet someone in your field who causes you to reconsider your thoughts in an entirely new way, you take note. I had just that experience at the National Employer Summit held in Seattle in March of 2018, where I had the chance to hear and meet Karen Wren.

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How Can the U.S. Food Industry Protect Itself From China’s New Tariffs?

There has been a great deal of anticipation to see what materials and products will be added to the contentious U.S. tariff list, many Northwest organizations, from manufacturing to food processors, are calculating the potential impact on their business.

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#UsToo: Sexual Harassment in Healthcare

We’ve had an outpouring of media attention on the issue of sexual misconduct in the workplace. The world has heard actors, models, congresswomen, as well as business women come forward to say, “Me too”, but what about those individuals in the healthcare industry?

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