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Vote ‘Yes’ for Initiative 1082

I just returned from a business conference in Washington DC. In all my travels, this is the first time I have spent more than a few hours here, and although I didn’t get the chance for serious exploring, I was able to take in some of the sites.

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An eye opening opportunity

Last week, on September 24th, 16 individuals from Parker, Smith & Feek’s Bellevue office participated in the King County United Way Day of Caring, partnering alongside industry friends, Alaska National.

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Join us for Parker, Smith & Feek’s first ever Health Reform Tweet Chat

On October 6th, 2010 Parker, Smith & Feek will be hosting its first ever Health Reform Tweet Chat.

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Healthcare Reform Hits Main Street

The following video from the Henry J. Kaiser Foundation provides a good overview of the Healthcare Reform Legislation. Though some of the content can be debated, we think this is a good primer and we welcome you to contact us to discuss it.

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Get motivated by using Social Media

One of our employees was telling me today, how he uses Twitter to log his training for an upcoming Marathon.

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The financial environment…then and now….

On Friday, September 10th, the Ted Spread closed with a value of 16.03 bps. Two years ago, on September 10th, 2008, the Ted Spread closed at 117.97 bps, and just five days later, after Lehman Brothers collapsed into bankruptcy, the spread closed at 201.38 bps.

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The secret to insurance

We in the insurance industry always wonder if our clients actually read their insurance policies. I realize this is not something that appeals to most normal people, but for most of us it is a necessity, whether it is in our personal or professional lives.

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Looking for the positive.

This week saw an abrupt change in the weather here in Seattle. Long gone are the 90-degree temperatures of summer and we have now settled down into the low 60’s that indicate that winter is just around the corner.

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Every company is different

One thing that I have seen over the last 18 months is that when it comes to wellness, every company is different. One wellness challenge or initiative may work for one company, but not achieve the desired results for another.

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10 Years – So What?

Among the daily emails that urge you to act, there is the occasional message that causes you to think. I had this experience when I read the invitation for the annual potluck luncheon for employees that have been with our firm for 10 years or more.

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The secret to our success

I just finished reading Michael Lewis’ “The Big Short”, which deals with the fascinating and ultimately devastating details of the subprime mortgage trading industry and how it brought our financial system to its knees.

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Cloud Computing

If you follow technology trends you have probably heard how “cloud computing” is going to take over the world.

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