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Medical Malpractice Liability and the Changing Market

Over the last decade or more, the healthcare industry has been in what is considered a soft market. Decreasing premiums, flexible underwriting, and an abundance of capacity have insurers looking to expand their market…

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Supply Chain Risk Management Strategies

So you’ve worked hard to create business continuity plans for the most common disasters that threaten your organization, taking into account things like fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods for all your facilities.

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Preparing For and Responding to the Spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

As of Feb. 11, 2020, the CDC has confirmed thirteen cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States and expects to see more.

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Becoming the CEO of Your Personal Life –
A Personal Insurance Series: Review Your Liability Limit

Your homeowner and auto policies include liability coverage, which responds when you are held legally liable for bodily injury or property damage to others.

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What To Do When Your Personal Data Has Been Compromised

By now, we are all intimately familiar with data breaches and cybercrime, but what can we do to prevent and recover from these incidents? Capital One, Home Depot, Marriot Hotels, and Yahoo! are all major companies that…

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Becoming the CEO of Your Personal Life –
A Personal Insurance Series: Preventing Water Claims

Did you know that water damage is the most common homeowner’s loss? It is five times more likely than fire and seven times more likely than burglary.

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Appellate Court Invalidates ACA’s Individual Mandate

In a 2–1 vote, a three-judge panel in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit (“appellate court”) has upheld the ruling by a U.S. District Court judge in Texas v. the United States that the individual mandate of the…

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Cadillac Tax Repealed and Other Benefits Changes Contained in the End-of-Year Spending Bill Passed by Congress

Congress has passed the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (the spending bill). The massive bill funding the federal government includes important provisions related to employer sponsored health and welfare plans.

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Keeping Up With Clinical Risk Management:
Who Needs Professional Liability Tail Coverage?

Tail coverage is a term that may not be part of your daily vocabulary until you are considering something such as moving insurance carriers,

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Becoming the CEO of Your Personal Life –
A Personal Insurance Series: Insuring Your Trust or LLC

Your financial advisor, accountant, or attorney may advise you to transfer ownership of your home or other property to a trust or limited liability company as a wealth management strategy.

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IRS Provides 2019 Transition Relief and an Extended Deadline for Providing Form 1095 to Employees and Participants

As in previous years, the IRS announced in Notice 2019-63 that it has extended the due date to March 2, 2020 (instead of January 31, 2020) for employers and insurance companies to provide 2019 Form 1095s to individuals.

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Choosing Terrorism Coverage

Whether you have one building or an extensive schedule of properties, having a high quality insurance portfolio is key to maintaining good relations with tenants, lenders, regulators, and other stakeholders.

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