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Becoming the CEO of Your Personal Life –
A Personal Insurance Series: Your Teen Driver

When it comes to risk management and insurance, it’s important to apply your business best practices to your personal life as well. All too often, we overlook assessing our risks

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Things To Know When Evaluating Reference-Based Pricing Models for Your Business

Healthcare costs continue to increase, prompting some employers to adopt strategies to help mitigate the impact. But not many have done so. One of those strategies is implementing a reference-based pricing (RBP) model…

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Here Comes the Hard Market – Risk Financing Options for Contractors

After years of a soft insurance market characterized by low rates, relaxed underwriting standards, and ample carrier and reinsurance capacity across all lines of coverage, the pendulum has started to swing in the opposite direction. A hard insurance market is coming…

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Medicare Part D Notice Reminder:
Deadline of October 14th

Employers with group health plans that provide prescription drug coverage to individuals who are eligible for Medicare Part D must comply with certain disclosure requirements.

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Keeping Up With Clinical Risk Management:
Should You Be Texting Your Patients?

As technology advances, patients are becoming increasingly active partners in their care. The boost in sales of personal mobile health devices that deliver instant results, such as Apple watches and Fit Bits…

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Insuring Against Contamination and/or Pollution in Healthcare

A healthcare facility is a place that most of us think of as safe when we are sick or injured. However, recent news of a local hospital shutting down all of its operating rooms due to mold contamination is a reminder that there are contamination and pollution risks associated with healthcare establishments.

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Becoming the CEO of Your Personal Life –
A Personal Insurance Series: Staying Current

When we make changes in our busy lives, it’s easy to forget how they may affect our personal insurance. As a result, people often have important coverage gaps or pay more premium than they should.

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Funding Healthcare and Retirement Expenses with HSAs

Today’s employers are faced with the monumental task of offering competitive benefits to a very diverse workforce in an extremely tight labor market (while keeping costs in check), promoting wellness and consumerism to its participants, and helping employees balance their needs for health and wealth management now and in the future.

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Mitigating Rising Auto Insurance Rates

Make no mistake, automobile insurance rates have been increasing over the past few years and seem to be picking up steam. Average rate increases, even for policyholders with relatively good loss histories, have been around 5%-7%. For those with greater loss activity, the increases have been in the double digits.

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Controlling Washington L&I Premiums with Retro Groups

In Washington State, workers’ compensation insurance is provided through the state (i.e. a monopolistic state fund). This is a relatively rare structure in the United States; Washington is one of only four states that pay workers’ compensation premiums to the state’s department of labor and industries (L&I), and not to a private insurance carrier.

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2020 “Affordability” Percentage

In Revenue Procedure 2019-29, the IRS decreased the affordability percentage from 9.86% to 9.78% for 2020. This percentage determines which applicable large employers may face penalties under §4980H(b) for failure to offer affordable coverage as well as which individuals may qualify for subsidized coverage through a public Exchange.

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HSAs & Preventive Coverage

In IRS Notice 2019-45, the IRS expanded upon what is considered to be preventive coverage for purposes of determining eligibility to contribute to a health savings account (HSA). The guidance comes shortly after the issuance of President Trump’s executive order requesting that the agency provide further flexibility for those with chronic conditions to receive coverage for such conditions while maintaining HSA eligibility.

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