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Happy Holidays from Parker, Smith & Feek

Are Requests for Proposals Unhealthy?

A colleague in our Communications Department recently shared with me an article titled “Why Requests for Proposals Are Unhealthy.” Since responding to Requests for Proposals is a big part of my job, I read this with interest.

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Parker, Smith & Feek Launches Dedicated Healthcare Reform Website

With the passing of the Healthcare Reform bill, we have seen an inundation of information and misinformation provided by media outlets; to the confusion of many.

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One of the best things about the holiday season..

I can’t believe how fast this year has gone. We are already eight days into December, and already I have attended four Holiday functions this month, with many more coming before the Holidays.

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Parker, Smith & Feek – Insuring most of Alaska’s big builders

Winter has come early…

Winter had come early to the Methow Valley.

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For Employers Conducting Business Abroad, Kidnappings Remain an Ongoing Concern

With L&I seriously undercapitalized – what do they do now?

In my post last month I wrote about the November 2 ballot initiative in Washington State – I-1082. I-1082 sought to end the Washington Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) monopoly on workers’ compensation insurance by allowing private insurers to compete with L&I.

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Six Chubb subsidiaries suspended from writing new business

Today, we were notified that the Office of the Washington State Insurance Commissioner has suspended six Chubb subsidiaries from writing new business/clients in the State of Washington for nine months.

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The day the charge exceeded $50.00. I had to find out why?

The other day when I was refilling my car with gas I noticed that the charge exceeded $50.00. I have had the same car for quite some time and it had been a few years since it cost $50 to fill up, so my curiosity was tweaked.

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The Wall Street Journal Compares L&I in WA & OR

The Wall Street Journal published an article on Sunday comparing L&I in Washington and Oregon. Average time loss claims in Washington is 270 days which is twice the national average and compares to 70 days in Oregon which has private insurance.

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IRS Releases Draft W-2 Form for 2011; Announces Relief for Employers

The IRS released a 2011 Draft W-2 form yesterday, October 12, 2010, which can be used by employers to report wages and employee tax withholding. They also announced the deferment of the new requirement for employers to report the cost of coverage under an employer-sponsored group health plan.

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